(786) 541-2705 | wecare@moncarzlaw.com

in IRS Tips, Legal Tips, Tax Resolution

Navegando el Laberinto de las notificaciones CP2100 y CP2100A del IRS: Tu Guía para el Cumplimiento

Descifrando el Misterio de las notificaciones CP2100 y CP2100A del IRS Cuando el IRS envía las notificaciones CP2100 y CP2100A, no son solo un papel; son una señal de alerta para tu negocio. Estos avisos señalan posibles desajustes en tus declaraciones fiscales, y son la manera del IRS de decir: “Necesitamos hablar”. Con esta guía…

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in IRS Tips, Legal Tips, Tax Resolution

Navigate the Maze of IRS Notices CP2100 and CP2100A: Your Roadmap to Compliance

Unlocking the Mystery of IRS Notices CP2100 and CP2100A When the IRS sends Notices CP2100 and CP2100A, it’s not just a piece of paper—it’s a wake-up call for your business. These notices point out potential mismatches in your tax filings, and they’re the IRS’s way of saying, “We need to talk.” This guide isn’t just…

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in Podcast, Tax Resolution

The Immigration and Business Journey: Lessons Learned from a Lawyer Turned Entrepreneur | Claudia Moncarz with Marlene Markowitz | Episode 06

On this episode of Ask The Tax Attorney, our guest, Marlene Markowitz, shares her experience as a business owner, specifically as an immigration and trademark lawyer. The conversation covers various topics, including the need for immigration attorneys, the benefits of social media for businesses, and the importance of double-checking important documents. Listeners will also hear…

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in IRS Tips, Legal Tips, Tax Resolution

Get It Done!

Okay, the New Year is closing in fast, so I wanted to pen a quick reminder about what HAS to be done before the 31st… Charitable donations. Individuals who itemize their deductions can receive a current-year tax deduction for cash donations.  In other cases, such as stock donations or gifts to foundations, they are still…

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in IRS Tips, Legal Tips, Tax Resolution

Preguntas más Frecuentes-Pagos de Impuestos Estimados

Esta es una pregunta común que nos hacen los contribuyentes: ¿Cómo puedo saber si tengo que presentar pagos trimestrales de impuestos individuales estimados? Respuesta: Por lo general, debe realizar pagos estimados de impuestos para el año fiscal en curso si se dan las dos circunstancias siguientes: 1.      Usted espera deber al menos 1.000 dólares en…

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